Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


September is CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARNESS Month! The color of Pediatric Cancer Awareness is GOLD, just like the color for breast cancer awareness is PINK. Wear your GOLD ribbons! It's kind of ironic how this is the same month that my sister passed/graduated. <(I heard this & thought it was nicer) Cancer is the most hated disease, I just can't believe that it doesn't discriminates. It will happen to young & old! F U Cancer!

The color of Pediatric Cancer Awareness is GOLD, just like the color for breast cancer awareness is PINK. To me, every month is Pediatric Cancer Awareness month, it doesn’t change. This thing called CANCER changed our lives forever! We now have four beautiful years of memories. My baby sister lives on... in our lives. Last Chirstmas we donated family baskets to the Ronald Mc.Donald House in her honor. We also donated gift cards from our Mom's 50th birthday party this past July. Let's take a stand & help these babies & families. I had read that In 2013, more than 11,000 children will be diagnosed with cancer, and about 1,300 will die from their disease. Survival rates for many childhood cancers have improved dramatically over the past few decades, cancer is still the second leading cause of death in children!! Help spread the word!